Thursday, April 20, 2006

Another kitchen corner

kitchen shelf
Originally uploaded by run lily.
Although what was on the counter in this picture was cheddar cheese (Sussex Extra Old) and my daybook, this corner is usually where more serious cooking takes place: measuring dry ingredients, folding chocolate into egg whites, crushing garlic and spices. This corner is behind "my" side of the table too, which is where I pare and chop, and especially where I go through my Joy of Cooking, looking for something fun or challenging or fast. I just finished reading Julie Powell's Julie and Julia about cooking her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year, and I have to say that I'm glad that never occurred to me! I got my copy in Illinois, tried a few things that I liked (especially the basic vegetables) and a few that I didn't, but mostly used it for sauces and basic techniques. But when I got Joy of Cooking in 2002 I started keeping track of the ones I made with a handwritten date, and when I noticed that I had worked my way through a few pages completely, I started to joke with Ron that I was planning to cook everything. I think I have blogged about it occasionally, but I'm still cleaning my kitchen, and I'm not planning to test recipes on dinner guests.

1 comment:

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

You always have the best "corners"!