Friday, April 14, 2006

Peter's fourth auction: Babies Days Out

Peter's fourth auction
Originally uploaded by run lily.
One of the Flickr groups I like is Babies' Days Out. (I especially like the apostrophe in the group name, but I won't go on about it.) The group owner, Camster Factor, writes "I want to ensure that in years to come Amelia doesn't just have a (undoubtedly massive) series of close up portraits showing her facial development from first wind induced gripe through to self confident baby bouncer model via first tentative smile. There'll certainly be plenty of that in the albums, but I want to provide her with a set of memories by proxy, documents of the world she grew up in where she plays a key role as actor in those memories but importantly the stage on which those memories are played out is still included in the image, clear to see." This snapshot of Peter at Sunday's auction is notas good-looking as most of the BDO pool, and God-love-him he's right in the middle looking as posed as can be (that or a tantrum these days), but it is a document of our favorite kind of outing these days. This auction wasn't actually a great one: almost all of the furniture was quite new, the auctioneer was slow, there were too many Royal Doulton porcelain ladies. But the crowd was good humored toward the little guy wandering around, and he got to talk to lots of people before falling asleep for an hour and a half. The proceeds of this auction, an estate, went to support the Moncton Hospital.

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