Saturday, April 08, 2006

A felted wool coat for Peter

A felted wool coat for Peter
Originally uploaded by run lily.
This little coat is just about done -- it still needs a zipper, and the trim. Peter loved it even half done, and wore it around the house for half an hour after I took his picture. He protested when I started to take it off, but eventually agreed to trade the coat for two little cuffs that he wore instead. The sweater was a men's large before felting, and I've resewn it in blanket stitch with 3 strands of embroidery thread. Lots of fun today!

1 comment:

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

I've always though that after felting down large sweaters how cute they'd look on my niece and nephew! And you've taken it a bit further!! Such a talenT!
