I have been reading people's Self-Portrait Tuesday posts for a while. Many people take honest pictures sans makeup, sometimes of what they think are their worst features. Everyone looks quite beautiful, in fact, and it scares me into waiting another few weeks before considering my own contribution. Today, one day late no less, I decided that this would be the day. I took a few pictures without makeup, and I think I look like Sir Edmund Hillary in them. Well, actually this website said I look like 69 percent like Sir Edmund Hillary. That's not so bad, right? He's tough and smart and it shows in his face. And he's a 93-year-old man. If you check the link I've included you'll see a picture of him when he was young and arguably handsome. This is not the picture that the website said I look like. They meant the old one. Not to disappoint SEH, several months later, I finally got out the lipgloss, mascara, and handy Maybelline concealer, and tried again. I think the fear and scepticism show in my expression. But hey, I'm out here on Mount Everest.
it's so uncomfortable to take self-portraits, isn't it? but you look lovely.
gosh yer purtty!
whats self portrait tuesday?
You go girl!! You're a cutie pie!
PS...I jusy love that old maybeline concealer....I hope they never stop making it!
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