Thursday, April 20, 2006


Ron and Peter 3
Originally uploaded by run lily.
We sat at the table after supper tonight and made a list of Peter's words so far: dada, mama, nana, no, bite, what, Sandra, hot, cold, hat, kitty/Lily, yeah, good, all done, hello, bye, hi. Mama was his first word, but he abandoned it until just these past few weeks. Dada seemed to mean everything good for a while, but now it's just dada. Nada was also popular for a week or so: it seemed to mean mama and dada. Kitty/Lily sounds like ee-ee, in a high-pitched voice. Hot and cold (ot and old) were popular for a few days when Peter was first discovering the fridge. Thank heavens he's not so interested in it now. Hello is mostly associated with the telephone or proxies for the telephone, which have included the remote control, a toothbrush, hairbrush, blocks, a long car, and a banana. Good goes with the telephone too, as the answer to "How are you?" All done is the answer to "All done?" at meals.

1 comment:

Crafty Missus said...

what a different a few weeks can make at this age... i hoped you would have a blog. it seems to be the big thing with computer literate new moms! i really enjoy reading other mother experiences, it reaffirms that all babes have their own schedules, make their own choices, grow at their own rates. i think we're all a little guilty of the "MY baby does this, what does YOUR baby do?". but the mommy blogs seem to be honest takes on child rearing.maybe it's cause we tend to post on them when we are sleep deprived and to tired to create embellishments, ha!