Monday, May 08, 2006

little boy room, part 3

little boy room, part 3
Originally uploaded by run lily.
During little boy's nap yesterday, I got the new border finished. I'm waiting for a package from Claire that's due to arrive any day now, and I'm plotting to do some sort of large pillow for the rocker. I love black and white gingham, but I don't think this room can take any more squares. Maybe an applique of some sort. I really love the lyric simplicity of Hillary Lang's "I speak for the trees" quilt, and that has me thinking of some sort of bird on a tree branch in small reproduction prints like these at Quilt Blocks 101. I'm thinking several green prints in the background, a branchy-looking tan branch, a bit of sky, and a nice fat robin (brown back, red breast). I may have to become a quilter before this room is done.


Anonymous said...

Aaah, the room looks lovely. I really like the shade of green on the walls and OF COURSe the quilt is so great.

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

looks wonderful and so soothing for the little guy!