Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Our nature corner

Originally uploaded by run lily.
I've been inspired (ok, envious) lately of beautiful nature tables like this one of Green Wellie's and this one of mama k's and this one of SouleMama's. Nature tables are part of the Waldorf/Steiner school philosophy of strengthening children's sense of connection with the earth and with others through participating in the changing seasons and festivals. I love this concept, and have been trying it in small ways in our house. We did a St Patrick's Day table upstairs; it was quickly dismantled by little baby who turned one that very day. Since then, I've encouraged him to bring pieces of the outside in. He brought in a piece of cement the other day, and Ron gave it a place on honor on the playroom bookcase. We are all part of nature, even cement rocks. This buoy, from our old home on Dorchester Cape (just outside the frame of this painting, in fact), hangs in our back porch. It's my nature corner these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how encouraging the young naturalist's heart at such an early age, will instil a love of the earth around him, will help him make sense of this wonderful planet and will expand his world in ways that will carry him onward and outward. Good job!