Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I heart Agnes

Final Finchtasy
Originally uploaded by Agnes McArbre.
Isn't this the very, very, very best little stuffed finch ever? He would love a home in our playroom.


Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Just so cute! Does she make them for sale??

I checked out the web site on the festivals for the summer...still no calender up, but my friend Judy and I plan on coming in July!! She has a friend that we will be staying with on Friday night near the border...then we're up early and off your way!

When you get a chance, can you let me know what hotel/lodging is closest to the festivities?? ALSO...is there a good place for kayaking?? CAN'T WAIT!

Anonymous said...

That is a very cool birdie! So festive looking.

Samantha said...

He is such a cutie! Very imaginative!