Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Originally uploaded by run lily.
This is an outside view of the kitchen window above the sink. I was upstairs writing a few minutes ago when I heard a banging noise and went outside to find this. Our asbestos siding has good clapboard underneath, and it will all come off next week. Yeay! Stay tuned for more details.


Jessica Moreau Berry said...

can't wait...can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, we had similar problems when we moved in. Can't wait to see your "new" exterior. What color are ya doing?

Liesl Gibson said...

Hi Patricia,

Thanks for your comment on my blog, and you're absolutely correct about boys' clothing. I don't know why, but there doesn't seem to be much available in the way of patterns, does there? Cheers!

Anonymous said...

This brings back such memories. When the children were young, we bought an old house (1856...old for Ontario) that was covered with white asbestos tiles exactly like your blue ones. Underneath was amazing ship-lap siding and it was a joy to restore the house to its original glory. Good luck with "out with the old and in with the older".