Jen gave us a toy mail cart before Peter was born last spring. It seemed like he'd never play with it: too big, too mobile, too, too, too. Tonight he walked it back and forth across the playroom floor, first slowly, then as he lost balance, running a few steps before he fell. He's stepping from an ottoman to the (screwed-to-the-wall-in-six-different-places) bookcase today.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
The mail cart
Jen gave us a toy mail cart before Peter was born last spring. It seemed like he'd never play with it: too big, too mobile, too, too, too. Tonight he walked it back and forth across the playroom floor, first slowly, then as he lost balance, running a few steps before he fell. He's stepping from an ottoman to the (screwed-to-the-wall-in-six-different-places) bookcase today.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Daddy: Say "da-da, da-da," Peter.
Peter: Bap.
Daddy: "Da-da."
Peter: Bap. Bap. Bap.
Daddy: Say "ma-ma" then. "Ma-ma." That's mama.
(Points at me.)
Peter: Bap. Bap.
He's a very good conversationalist, and has begun to understand turn-taking in speech. But if "bap" meant anything, it wasn't clear to me. I suggested the day before yesterday that it meant "wookie" (like Chewbacca). Peter replied "Bap."
It really was his theme for a while. A few nights ago, Ron said that he was in coaxing Peter back to sleep. Peter's eyes were shut, and he was just about snoozing, then he muttered, "bap...bap...Bap, bap, bap. Bap."
Today, though, it's "mamma."
Monday, November 21, 2005
Missed this one somehow
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Another view of "our" park (from Photo Fiddler, again)
Boardwalk Through Birches
Family portrait, Christmas 2005
Peter's skunk costume, Halloween 2005
At the airport
Two teeth
Monday, November 07, 2005
Faster and faster, and Ron on TV
Mum and Dad babysat yesterday so that we could go to Halifax for the closing of Ron's play. They say that one of the news programs ran a clip about the play, as well as a bit of an interview with Ron. Peter was facing the other way when that came on, and he whirled around when he heard daddy's voice. Dad says he obviously recognized Ron on tv, and was so entertaining that they missed the story all together. The play went well, and got two standing ovations.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Alphabet blocks
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
From Nat's blog ...
It takes sunlight eight minutes to reach the earth. We never actually see the sunlight of the present, only that of the past.See Sangha Fairytales.
Staring into the evening skies, we can gaze upon a star that scientists will tell you no longer exists, a star that went extinct ten million years ago.
Both are points made by Thich Nhat Hanh. Both cause one to stop and think for a moment what our perception is and how subject to influence it is. The observer and the observed are essentially one and the same because we inter-are. We are a part of what we are observing: If we do not exist, then nothing exists, the subject and the object are part of each other.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Catching up ...
Monday, October 03, 2005
Camel, maybe?
Rocking chair
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
baby pushups
big kid clothes
Six month checkup
Peter's first solid food
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Six months and a bit
I think Peter said "hi" on the phone tonight to Ron. He's been saying haaaa for a while, and mama for the past week, but until now it hasn't seemed to have any symbolic content. This evening, while I held the phone up to his ear, he looked at the phone, and said hhhiiii two or three times at the phone, then looked at me and smiled.
He's also creeping backwards very effectively (far and fast), and rocking on his knees. He seems frustrated at not being able to move forward.
And he's been eating baby cereal since Labor Day. Rice, oatmeal, and barley. He's a neat eater, surprisingly.
Gotta go. Baby Peter's up.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Kisses, puppy kisses, and funny noises
It began with him opening his mouth against our cheeks and making random funny noises: ghghghgh, aaahhhhhh, oooohhhhhh, and so on. One day last week, he tried licking Ron on the cheek a few times. Today, he started grabbing my head and pulling my cheek tight against his mouth and saying (really loudly) "awhhhhhhhhhh". I wonder when he'll hit the right combination, and when he does, if he'll know right away that it's the right one. In the meantime, it's hilarious.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Rites of passage
Looking in the mirror
Sleep positions, 2
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
How many colors of cream
Country songs
Nova Scotia beaches
Monday, August 08, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
Mummy and baby, July 2005
Hands in mouth, July 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
4 month appointment
Peter and Nanny, July 14 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
peter in motion (2)
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Freshly painted back porch
Monday, July 04, 2005
family portrait, Aboiteau Beach
flowers from the garden this morning
Monday, June 27, 2005
Gardening with babies, 4
Gardening with babies, 3
Gardening with babies, 2
Peter sleeping in his blue lion Robeez, 3 months
Peter and the reading blanket, 3 months
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Creative expression
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Sleep position
Monday, June 13, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Peter at 3 months
We're beginning to develop family traditions; since Ron has been rehearsing in evenings lately, Peter and I have been cooking together. I think that Sunday nights would be a good weekly cookie-making date. Tonight "we" made oatmeal raisin cookies. Peter posed with the teddy bear he received from my friend April Nice (an oatmeal raisin cookie-eater herself) while we waited for the butter to warm up.
We called him Peter Douglas.
Since then, he's gone through a series of new nicknames. In the hospital, I called him "green bean" for a while; one morning (or night, they all run together) I remember saying that I was calling him green bean to make him angry, so that maybe he'd stay awake and nurse longer. We called him "the little guy" for the first month or so. These days, I call him "little mouse," or just "mouse." Ron calls him "little Petah," or sometimes "little pita bread;" this might be a reference to the British diction of our friend James and his 3-year old son.
"Just like Peter Pan, but it stops after the Peter."
We've had some good weather lately, and so Peter has been coming with me outside and lying in the shade under a bush while I get some gardening done. Sometimes he smiles at the branches, and sometimes he just looks at them intently. Not interested in bugs yet.