Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Peter sitting
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Peter's sitting up now, in a manner of speaking. For a few months, he's been able to pull himself up to sitting and standing positions if you hold his hands. That really means that he lifts his head, bends his elbows and hips, keeps his head forward, and eventually bears weight on his feet. After a week or so of this ("Practice sitting, Peter!"), he would left his legs straight up in the air before trying to sit. This week, he's been able to sit alone once he gets up and has a little support until he gets his balance. (In an earlier posting with the picture of Peter frowning, he's being supported in a sitting position with my feet.) He does still fall over though: in this picture, he's just about to start pulling grass. As he got more and more interested in the grass, he leaned further and further forward, and slowly moved onto his face.

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