Wednesday, August 10, 2005

How many colors of cream

How many colors of cream
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Last weekend's [month's] project was painting the kitchen cupboards. The corner cupboard (not visible here) is another shade as well. I'm not pleased with this photo (it's kind of dark), but the kitchen turned out beautifully: retro and understated, pretty but not cute. It's quite bright, which isn't obvious from this photo. There's another window not visible here (over to table that would be at the right) that has a view of the garden, and a door that looks into the back porch with views of the garden through those windows too. There are Flickr notes on this photo: double click on this one, and then mouse over the photo.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Hey there:

That kitchen looks wonderfully exciting. And Peter just grows cuter in every single photo.

Thanks so much for adding my blog to your list! And I'm going to be sending you a long letter soon (teaching this week has taken the time from me). I'm so glad to have found you!