Sunday, June 12, 2005


The nicknames that we've given Peter have changed. While I was pregnant, we usually referred to the "little baby" (with masculine pronouns), and sometimes to the "little kicker" or "little punter." I followed Mount Allison football in the fall, and in the womb Peter seemed to be a tremendous kicker. He was 9 lbs 10.9 oz at birth.

Since then, he's gone through a series of new nicknames. In the hospital, I called him "green bean" for a while; one morning (or night, they all run together) I remember saying that I was calling him green bean to make him angry, so that maybe he'd stay awake and nurse longer. We called him "the little guy" for the first month or so. These days, I call him "little mouse," or just "mouse." Ron calls him "little Petah," or sometimes "little pita bread;" this might be a reference to the British diction of our friend James and his 3-year old son.

1 comment:

patricia said...

Ron has just read this and corrected me. He says that he calls Peter "Baby Pita" because of a telephone message that our nephew Thomas left, saying "Baby Petah, Baby Petah." Thomas is 2.