A thing I love today: vanilla sweetened chestnuts. I may love these even more than the pantry. Gratuitous recipe for chestnut mousse that will get you invited to parties. Don't tell anyone that it takes half an hour to make and is easier than Rice Krispie squares. Whip 500 ml of cream, fold in entire can of sweetened chestnut puree, pipe into Oreo crumb tart bases done in about 45 small muffin liners (1 cup of Oreo crumbs + 1/4 cup of melted butter, mix well). I place the liners on a tray and press the crumb base into them, no muffin tin needed. About a tablespoon per tart will do, pressed into a flat disk with a low side. Let them cool if you can before piping in the mousse, and then let the completed tarts sit somewhere cool for about an hour. I don't have this much room in the fridge, so I've put trays in the freezer and in the back porch (December). The recipe is a variation on something I half-remember from a French cookbook I had 18 years ago; in the original recipe, the mousse was served in champagne cups and garnished with chocolate curls. I do that sometimes, but honestly, I don't have that many (ok, any) champagne glasses. It's Thursday. See what everyone else loves today.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
my favorite corner (and it's not the one on the right)
About the new banner (or, why am I up at this hour?)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
House projects, writing projects, and a cold
The lovely painters are getting further and further on with the house. It's going slowly but well, and everyone has noticed more traffic on the street as our neighbors come by to see the progress. Our backyard neighbors called over the other night to say how much they loved the colors, and a few couples from down the street have stopped me on the sidewalk with compliments. Tom (who made my pantry closet last winter and created space in this little kitchen for someone who cooks) jokingly calls my sand-and-sea color scheme "orange with yellow trim," but I can tell that he's very proud of it so far.
Today's big news, aside from getting a first coat on the west side of the house, was that final proofs of an article I wrote a few months ago arrived. They look good. The article (tourism and gender in Morocco, with an emphasis on tourist sector henna artisans) will appear in volume of a scholarly encyclopedia that's due out in July. My writing projects for the next two months: revise second article (social organization of henna workers, due mid-June), write film review (ageing and work), and finish the henna ethnography article. Plus all the other stuff that will need to be done so that I can come back at the end of August and teach the following week. Piece of cake!
Friday, May 12, 2006

Things are moving along here. Peter and I went to a speech-development program for little ones his age this morning. It wasn't really a success. The program involved sitting in a circle and doing action rhymes for an hour. The other kids did that, anyway. I spent a lot of time bringing him back from the hall, and just when he seemed to be settled and enjoying a quiet story, the animator said it was time for another jumping-around song. I thought that would be a good time to go.
Our lovely painter is painting outside, and we hope to have the back of the house done (!!) by the end of the weekend. It's going slowly. There were 1" holes in the clapboard where insulation was blown in 20 years ago. There were some missing shakes, some cracked clapboard, some rotted trim, and some gaps that a small cat could crawl through. But Tom is out priming right now, and there will be a big change in the next day. We're off to St Martins for a very short break tomorrow, and then our trusty electrician will be in on Monday to install some lighting over the kitchen sink, and hopefully advise on a few other projects. A light in the kitchen hall would be nice, but there are no nearby outlets to run a wire from, and the walls (every one of them) are solid plaster. What to do, what to do, what to do. In the meantime, I've moved these ferns from the intensive care unit (the windowsill behind the kitchen sink) to a new home in the upstairs hall. The intensive care bed is now occupied by my poor burro's tail, which got either too much sun or too much cold a few weeks ago in the front porch.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A new article, a new (to us) picture, and an old house
Can you see a new painting on the wall opposite the table? That was in the bottom of a box lot (with some kitchen linens too, and maybe the toy trunk?) that Ron got at an auction last summer. He wouldn't have paid more than $12 for the box, and this was a bonus hidden away inside. I finally got a frame for it ($14) and now it's up.
And this is what's going on outside.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I heart Agnes
3 little birds arrived at my house yesterday
These came from Claire at needle book. Peter noticed them while he was nursing, and pointed at them (mouth full) until I took him over to look closer. He loves them. So do I.
Exterior color scheme
Monday, May 08, 2006
little boy room, part 3
3 rush-seat chairs, a teacup, and Mother's Day
Which brings me to the teacup. We went to Linden House's antique sale on Saturday. It's a twice-yearly consignment sale of beautiful things, mostly furniture but also some nice china. I was looking for kitchen chairs, and picked out 3 beautiful rush-seat pieces. They weren't terribly big, but still they wouldn't all fit into the trunk, so Ron packed them into the trunk and back seat and made a quick trip home while Peter and I waited. It seemed like a normal morning for me: we looked around a little more, he talked to all the ladies coming and going, and I peeked over at the china when I could. When Ron got back, one of the shopowners came out with a wrapped teacup that she held out to me. "For Mother's Day next week," she said, "We know what it's like." There is a sisterhood after all.
Friday, May 05, 2006
7 Milner Ave Index
Words (nonscholarly) written today: fewer than 100
Meals with fish: 2
Beaches visited: 1
Hermit crabs observed: 4
Hermit crabs grabbed by small boy: 1
Photographs taken today: none
Photographs I wish I had taken today: 2
Cameras taken to the beach after scholarly writing: 0
Thursday, May 04, 2006
quilt repair and how to live
I don't want this to be a museum piece. I don't want my life to be that kind of life, one filled with precious things that can't be used or, even worse, with a frenzied consumption of objects that I worry aren't stylish enough even before I buy them and take them home. As I mend, I notice discreet little repairs, other blocks that were replaced by some other sewer, and I wonder what she thought about mending.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
triaged repairs
It sounds fairly obvious, but when I sat down to do it with my seven different choices, it was hard to restrain myself. I think it's the high road, though.
I hope the repairs aren't obvious. The new blocks are the yellow and pink large-scale florals on the left side.