Friday, March 31, 2006

Weekend plans

It's Friday and Ron has big plans for this afternoon and tonight that do not involve Peter and me. So we'll be trying to amuse ourselves. Life in a college town is great that way -- there's almost always something interesting going on. Today it's TWO art sales: one to benefit Habitat for Humanity and featuring work by Thaddeus Holownia and Jeff Burns (likely to be big money-raisers), and the other of work by fine arts students who (one hopes) will one day be the stars in their own benefit auction. We have a small but cherished collection of art, and maybe Peter and I will find something to add today. He hasn't shown much interest yet in (my favorite) abstract landscapes, but the students tell me that's very old school. Sunday I want to go to Cornhill Nursery and get a few more rosebushes for the front garden. I'm hoping that strategic placement will make the front porch a bit cosier without seeming overgrown and cramped. Off now to get the babe.

1 comment:

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Hope you found something fab at the art show!
