Monday, November 13, 2006

Stay at home-ish Dad attempts blog


I've decided, since I turned 41 (October 30), that I'm going to try to do several (not all!) of the things that I've been thinking I ought to get at before - well, just before I put them off some more I guess. I'm sure there's a more profound reason . . .

Those things include going to the gym, playing guitar, and working on our blog. As Patricia is now excedingly busy, I'm going to try to take over for a while. I'm not strictly speaking really a "stay at home Dad" - I work three days a week for now, and I'll be going back full-time (running an arts festival) in December I think (if our funding all works out, which I think it will!). But I am very house connected - though not in the same way as Patricia.

It's funny, because we didn't intend it, and I certainly never thought it was in my nature, but we're fairly gender traditional when it comes to our domestic interests. I think (hope) that I do my fair share of work - it's just that my share tends to include mowing the lawn, maintaining the car, fixing the occasionally leaky basement - and other stuff like that. While you can see what Patricia's is from looking at the blog.

Another big difference is I probably won't write as much or as regularly as she did - and I'm not a very good speller (and she is!)

Other than that - no definite plans what I'll do with my time - except that I will get some photos up soon when I learn how to do it!

That's it - wish me luck!

1 comment:

grammargirl said...

My partner used to read Patricia -- it's good to see you're taking over the helm and we'll get to see some gorgeous house and baby pics again soon. Take care.