Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Kisses, puppy kisses, and funny noises

I have to blog this before it changes, or before I forget. We kiss Peter all the time, on the cheek (both cheeks, when it's me) or on his tummy and so on. He laughs like a nut, so we do it a lot. Since Peter was about three months old, I've been putting my cheek to his mouth, after I kiss him, so that he can kiss me back. He does.

It began with him opening his mouth against our cheeks and making random funny noises: ghghghgh, aaahhhhhh, oooohhhhhh, and so on. One day last week, he tried licking Ron on the cheek a few times. Today, he started grabbing my head and pulling my cheek tight against his mouth and saying (really loudly) "awhhhhhhhhhh". I wonder when he'll hit the right combination, and when he does, if he'll know right away that it's the right one. In the meantime, it's hilarious.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Our friend Sarah came by this evening with a piece of baby furniture that her daughter has grown out of. It's a seat that is attached to a frame with four bungee-like tethers, with and front dashboard that has blinking lights, electronic sound effects, and a steering-wheel-like appendage for the driver. As soon as Peter got in he began to jump up and down and back and forth, smiling and shouting. This is a roller coaster for babies.

Rites of passage

Peter was baptised last week. It was a beautiful ceremony, serious and joyous at the same time, and full of love and family.
Peter's baptism

He wore a christening gown that Mum made from the skirt of my wedding dress: the symbolism of this seems appropriate to me.
Peter in the christening gown

Looking in the mirror

Looking in the mirror
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
He's also become more and more interested in the mirror in the last month: he smiles at himself in the mirror, and at me (or the camera) sometimes.

Sleep positions, 2

Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Peter still sleeps with his arms stretched out. At night, when I take him back (half asleep) from our bed to his crib after nursing, his arms spring out.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

How many colors of cream

How many colors of cream
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Last weekend's [month's] project was painting the kitchen cupboards. The corner cupboard (not visible here) is another shade as well. I'm not pleased with this photo (it's kind of dark), but the kitchen turned out beautifully: retro and understated, pretty but not cute. It's quite bright, which isn't obvious from this photo. There's another window not visible here (over to table that would be at the right) that has a view of the garden, and a door that looks into the back porch with views of the garden through those windows too. There are Flickr notes on this photo: double click on this one, and then mouse over the photo.

Country songs

Last fall, as we were driving from the Cape to town, we'd hear this occasionally on the radio. I don't think it became a big hit, and I never got tired of hearing it despite the sappiness. Peter does sleep in the middle sometimes, especially in the mornings when he wakes at 4 and nurses every hour until 6 or 7, when he might take a nap. It's not always quite as sweet as it seemed when I was listening to this song before he was born: sometimes when he's just about asleep, he starts to thrash around, and whacks me until I move over or take him back to his bed. On other days, though, he sleeps quietly and wakes up sweetly smiling with his eyes still closed.

Nova Scotia beaches

Nova Scotia beach mosaic
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
We went for a drive last Friday: Sackville to Parrsboro to Five Islands to Truro (to see Grammy) then home. We stopped at a few beaches (our favorite summer pastime); Peter slept most of the way.


Peter sitting
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Peter's sitting up now, in a manner of speaking. For a few months, he's been able to pull himself up to sitting and standing positions if you hold his hands. That really means that he lifts his head, bends his elbows and hips, keeps his head forward, and eventually bears weight on his feet. After a week or so of this ("Practice sitting, Peter!"), he would left his legs straight up in the air before trying to sit. This week, he's been able to sit alone once he gets up and has a little support until he gets his balance. (In an earlier posting with the picture of Peter frowning, he's being supported in a sitting position with my feet.) He does still fall over though: in this picture, he's just about to start pulling grass. As he got more and more interested in the grass, he leaned further and further forward, and slowly moved onto his face.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Ron says that Peter is now rolling onto his stomach: yesterday at the beach (second beach, actually, at Silver Lake on our way home from Sandy Beach) he rolled while Ron watched, and then this afternoon at Ron's office, he rolled while Ron was looking the other way. He's been rolling from his stomach to his back (periodically) for the past month or so. I suppose he'll be moving more and more now.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Ron took this. I don't remember what Peter was laughing about. Ron says that maybe I was "going 'ga-boogeda-boogeda' in his ear or something."

Gardening with babies, 4

in the grass 2
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
I love this one.


mosaic peter rolling
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Peter and I were hanging out the other afternoon when I saw him just in mid-roll. When I grabbed the camera, he rolled back. Then he did it again, rolling almost over from his back to his stomach, and then back without ever really rolling completely. Ron videotaped him for 11 minutes last week doing the same thing, each time rolling almost all the way, then back. He's going to be an accomplished roller, once he decides to go all the way.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Mummy and baby, July 2005

Mummy and baby, July 2005
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Ron took this photo on the last afternoon of this year's Festival by the Marsh. Peter and I were watching the Society for Creative Anachronism's sword (and stick) fighting display by the Mount Allison swan pond. As you can see, Peter loved it. That's our trusty jogging (ha!) stroller on the right. Thanks, "Uncle" Alphee, for the Sears gift certificate!

Hands in mouth, July 2005

Hands in mouth, July 2005
Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
Peter's becoming more and more vocal. Last week, when this picture was taken, he began to "talk" with both hands in his mouth. He was making lots of noise, vowels and consonants, when I took this picture.