Thursday, January 19, 2006

The fort

Originally uploaded by pkellyspurles.
I built a sofa-cushion-fort for Peter one day, and then mentioned to Ron how much he'd liked it. Ron built a dramatically more complex one a few days later, with steps up to the sofa, and two exits. Peter crawled all around, peeking around the corners and out the doors, and laughed until his tummy must have ached.


the anthropologist said...

I remember couch forts!! I wonder if all children make them?
I realized last week that not everyone grew up with a sandbox. Apparently my childhood wasn't all that generic after all ;-)

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I actually bought my kids (2 1/2 and 4) a set of "floor cushions" from JC Penney (from the catalog on sale-so they are an odd shade of blue and pink) for christmas this year so that they would have extra cushions to make forts with :) My baby sister thought I was the coolest mom ever for that.