Sunday, July 16, 2006

I guess I've missed my blog birthday

In the meantime,
  • the big article (on henna work in Morocco) has been completely tied up, revised, new title, new abstract, illustrations rearranged, references checked, and everything received by editor;
  • the second big article is about half done in terms of word count, and hopefully also in terms of time spent;
  • my research trip in August has been arranged;
  • Peter has learned to count to 13, not coincidentally the number of stairs going up to the second floor, and also not generally not in order ("Mun, two, thee, five, eight, eight, ten, rivern, thirteen..."); and
  • my sabbatical is over.
  • Sigh.


    Robin said...

    Good for you to get some of your goals met, or almost met... And happy (belated) blogiversary.

    the anthropologist said...

    lol, he's very practical you know...only count up to what you need :-)

    Anonymous said...

    Welcome back - I wondered what you were up to (been checking now and again). Many congrats on finishing your article I bet you feel really satisfied.

    Anonymous said...

    Happy belated blogiversary!

    Jessica Moreau Berry said...

    Patricia...will we be able to find this article?? I can'T WAIT!

    PS...we miss you at Flickr too!!

    Paula said...

    I just stumbled upon your site. What a delight. I LOVE the colors you have used on your house! We are in the process of bringing a 1918 cottage back to life on the Oregon Coast. Quite a job, but so satisfying...