Thursday, May 25, 2006

About the new banner (or, why am I up at this hour?)

Parenthetical question first: Because Peter's up. But he's back in bed, and I hope that he will be there for a few more hours. And now a few words just for Robin, who noticed my new banner. The image is low tide this past Saturday at Cumberland Basin off Rockport, about twenty minutes' drive from here. We call this stretch Red Stone Beach (the actual beach is just past this picture); everyone else (hi Alison!) calls it The Steel Bridge (also just past this picture). The entire beach is small, smooth, flattish red stones that heat up so well on a warm day that they must be the inspiration for hot stone massage therapy. It's perfect for dreaming on. Some people fish there. This picture is taken from the main road because the beach access was blocked by a very large mud puddle. What you see, though, is more mud and the newly-greening marsh, and a few rocks further out out. The points of land are New Brunswick on the left and Nova Scotia on the right. Ron and I thought we discovered this place a few years ago, but it turns out that other people around here do know about it, they just don't talk about it everyday the way we did when we first found it.


Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Just think, I'll get to see that soon!! Yippee! That is so great about the article on the henna artisans, I would be interested in reading it! Is about their history or is it recent??

Robin said...

Cumberland Basin looks and sounds like a wonderful place - coastal areas are so full of mystery and emotion. Your lovely beach looks reminiscent of places on the west coast of Vancouver Island. So, from my coast to your coast, here's to the beauty of the ocean!